Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kaitlyn's 5th Birthday & Party

Well, my baby is 5 years old and heading to Kindergarten in a few weeks.  WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE?  It seems like not too long ago we were in Alexandra for the weekend when to our surprise Kaitlyn made her appearance.  We have been blessed with such an amazing daughter.

Kaitlyn is a great big sister to her little brother Gavin.  She reads to him after his nap, calms him down if he is upset, and is always watching out for him.  Of course she can be a little too mothering to him and he sure does let her know.  Kaitlyn loves playing with her baby dolls and stuff animals, riding her bike around the neighborhood, swimming, boating, camping, and of course making us laugh with her quick responses.

At her 5 year wellness check she was:
Height - 43 1/8 inches - 55%
Weight - 40 lbs. - 51%

This past Sunday the 19th (her actual birthday) we had a little birthday party for Kaitlyn.  We invited my family and some friends to help celebrate.  (We are having another birthday party for Kaitlyn with Nate's family this weekend.)  As a request from Kaitlyn we rented a bouncy house for the day. 
This was the best picture I could get with all her friends.
(Colten, Roland, Kaitlyn, Gavin, Vincent, Kennedy, and Annika)

Getting ready to blow out her birthday candle.

Waiting for everyone to sing happy birthday.

Blowing out her candle!

Kaitlyn and Aunty Anny!

The cousins!  Gavin (18 months), Kaitlyn (5), Brady (5 months)

The best picture we could get of all 5 of us.

Kaitlyn's birthday flowers and balloon.

Kennedy and Gavin - They were born a few days apart.

Gavin and Cousin Brady.

Baby Kallen came to party too!

"Okay Kennedy... this is what we are going to do."

"So what do you think of the plan?"
"Good, I am glad we can make this happen."

Aunty Nikki and Brady

Playing in the bouncy house!

Aunty Anny and Gavin

More bouncing with friends.

Opening Presents

Mom, stop taking pictures... I just want to open my presents.

It was a great day!  Our little girl is 5 and ready to start taking on the world. 

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