Thursday, August 30, 2012

Gavin - 18 Months

Our little boy is 18 months and all I can say is he is "All BOY!".  I find it interesting that he is attracted to trucks, balls, bats, etc... even with all of Kaitlyn's toys around.  He still loves to push cars, trucks, bobcats, etc... around the floor and make VROOM noises.  It is so cute! 

We had is wellness check the other day and here are his stats:

Height - 31 1/2" - 30%
Weight - 24.15 lbs - 40%
Head - 19 3/4 - 96%
* I really hope he starts to grow into his head.  :)  Some shirts are too small because they won't fit over his head.

I wasn't kidding when I said all boy.  This is what he normally looks like while we are camping.  He loves playing in the dirt. 

We are starting to get into some more challenging parenting as he loves to throw things.  (He actually has a good arm and aim.)  At dinner his favorite activity is to throw his food if he is done or doesn't like what we have given him.  Let's just say the carpet in are dining room has seen better days... but Cody loves it!  He is always sitting in range of any food that Gavin decides he doesn't want. 

He also throws things when he is frustrated.  We think it is because we are in the in-between stage of communication.  He says some words: Momma (He is really good at yelling this when he wants something.), ball, cat, car (even if it is a truck), please, Daddy (on occasion), and Hi.  He loves to wave at everyone.  He never did the backwards wave like Kaitlyn.  He got it right from the start.

He has also become a master at the stairs.  We took down our baby gate a few weeks ago and he loves the freedom to explore the whole house.  Wow, another stage complete at the McNeilly household.

Here is Gavin driving a FireTruck!

It was hard to get him off so other kids could have a turn.

He still loves his blankie's.  He sleeps with at least 2 every night.  He also has to have to have everything his sister has including food.  He loves being outside.  Sometimes if he is crabby in the evening I will let him play on the deck. 

It is so fun to watch him learn and grow.  He is a happy little boy who loves anything to do with trucks, machines, or lawn mowers.

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