Sunday, September 29, 2013

Apple Orchard

We headed over to the Luce Line Apple Orchard on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  The weather was perfect and we had a great time exploring.  A few highlights:

 Brayden, Kaylee, and Kaitlyn
Being goofy!

Brayden and Gavin

Kaitlyn holding Lenny the pig.

Trying to get a group picture.  Our best attempt!

Cousins!  Kaitlyn and Brady!

Best Friends make the best swinging buddies... until they start fighting over who's turn is next. 

Kaitlyn and Kaylee

Tractor ride... Everyone fit!

Kaitlyn, Brayden, Kaylee, Gavin, Ashlynn, and Brady

Brady did awesome on the ride.

Finding our way through the corn maze!

Aunty Anny and Brady!

Daddy and Gavin in the corn maze

We had a great time with the Eggiman's and Aunty Anny and Cousin Brady.  I wish I had taken more pictures, but there was a lot of running around and pulling a wagon.

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