Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Cousins are Best Friends

As Gavin has gotten older he has really started to interact with his cousins.  Labor day weekend we went camping at Two Rivers Campground with all the cousins.  Gibson (3 1/2) and Gavin (2 1/2) are really starting to be best buddies.  We went mini golfing at the campground and the boys had a great time playing together.

Gibson watching for Gavin's ball to come through the tube.

Gavin trying to help get Gibson's ball unstuck.

Gibson and Gavin still trying to get the ball.  It was pretty stuck so I had to help get it out.
We tried to get a cute picture of the boys on the dinosaur, but neither were cooperating.

Hailey and Kaitlyn

BFF picture take 2

BFF picture take 3. Perfection!

Gavin trying a Hot Tamale for the first time.

Yep, he didn't like it!  The funny part is he kept trying different ones with the same face each time he tried one.

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