Saturday, September 14, 2013

Horse Back Riding

Ever since vacation Kaitlyn has been talking about horses.  She was only able to ride the ponies as you have to be 10 years old to go on a trail ride on the "BIG" horses.  She talks about wanting her own horse a lot. We told her that horses are expensive and that we can't keep one at our house.  It needs to live in a barn and have a big area to walk around and run.  She started thinking and asked if maybe Bobpa, or Grandma and Grandpa would buy a barn so she could have a horse.  Than she asked Nate if he could buy a trailer for her horse too.

I have a co-worker that keeps her horse at a farm in Chaska and that her friend had open slots for riding lessons for children.  So, this past Saturday Kaitlyn had her first riding lesson on a "Big" horse.  MaryEllen is a great instructor.  She taught Kaitlyn all about being safe around a horse, where to pet a horse, where a horse can see, and how to talk to a horse.  We learned a lot about how to watch a horse's ears.  Their ears can tell us a lot about what a horse is thinking.  At first Kaitlyn was a little nervous.  She whispered to me "Mom, that is the biggest horse in the world."  After a little bit Kaitlyn started getting comfortable being around Rowdy.

Kaitlyn learned how to brush a horse before putting the saddle.  How to put on a saddle and bridal.  She also learned how to lead a horse.
Kaitlyn learning how to lead a horse around the barn.

Leading Rowdy to the training arena

I am not very familiar with horses, so I even learned a lot from just observing.
Learning on how to get on a horse by herself.

Learning about the reins and how to use them.

"Rowdy Walk on" and than you give a little bump with your legs.

She learned how to turn Rowdy left and right.  Than after the lesson Kaitlyn learned how to get off a horse without a step.
Walking Rowdy out of the arena.

Walking Rowdy back to the barn.

On our way home Kaitlyn tells me.  "Mom, horses are a lot of work... I think I will wait until I am bigger to buy a horse."  I guess the lessons worked.

Kailyn loved it!  She can't wait to go back for her next lesson. 

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