Monday, September 16, 2013

Big Boy Bed

No more crib.  It's been over 6 years that a crib has been in set-up in Kaitlyn and Gavin's room.  Saturday evening we took it down forever.  (No more babies in this house.)  We did some rearranging and Gavin is officially in a big boy bed.

Gavin trying out his new bed.  We bought him new sheets, but are still on the hunt for the perfect quilt or comforter.

Trying out his pillow and temporary quilt my Aunt Sandy made him when he was born.  I just wish it was a little bit bigger.

Gavin did great the first night in his bed.  He never got out and called for us in the morning when he was ready to get up.  Same for his nap on Sunday.  Yeah to an easy transition into a big boy bed!

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