Monday, October 30, 2006

Who Pays?

Have you ever gone on a date with someone you just met or a long time partner? If yes - there is always that undeniable question of Who is going to pay for dinner? Well, I have some advise on how you will never have to ask or wonder this question again. My advise of course comes from personal experience. My advise can be taken from the stories I am about to write about.

It happened last winter when MotoRider and I went to Subway for dinner. Normally we take turns on who will pay and a quick conversation at the cash register determines this. But this time was different. MotoRider knew what he wanted so he placed his order and I was quick to follow with mine. Just as I am about to finish telling the sandwich maker what I want on my sub. MotoRider turns and says... "I have to run to the bathroom. I will be right back." At first I don't care, but than I realize what he has just done. He left right when the decision was suppose to be made on who will pay... So, his absence has confirmed that I will be paying for this meal. When he returns... I ask about his quick disappearance and confirms my suspicions are true. That was his way of letting me pay for dinner.

The reason I am telling you this now is that he did a similar scenario to me just the other night. We were at Jimmy Johns (MotoRider's favorite sub place.) and he ordered first because it was my first time at JJ's. Once I placed my order I look to find MotoRider filling his beverage far enough from the register that we can't make this quick paying decision. (Plus there about 3 people behind me.) So, I had over my credit card.

Now you can try these tricks the next time you don't want to pay for dinner or want to avoid that awkward feeling. I do want to make one side note. MotoRider does pay for me on a regular basis and he did the other night when we went to see a movie. I just thought these were some creative ways to avoid this awkward moment.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A Weekend in Mora

MotoRider is home!! Friday I drove to Mora to see MotoRider. We spent the weekend with his family. His niece Hailey is so much fun. I thought I would post a few pictures from our weekend. We also celebrated MotoRiders sister Mandi's (Hailey's mom) birthday. It was a weekend of celebrating.

Here is a picture of MotoRider and Hailey. It is nice to see that Hailey finally likes MotoRider. It has only taken about a year for her to not cry when MotoRider held her.

Here is a picture of MotoRider and Hailey doing some reading. I think Hailey is reading to MotoRider.

Hailey also is very polite because everytime someone sneezes she says "bless you!" Let's just say that everyone had to sneeze.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Lap Dog

Last night sure was an eventful evening for our household. MotoRider has returned to MN from his hunting trip to Colorado. Even though he is in MN doesn't mean he is actually home. I guess there is a lot of work to be done after the big trip. So, the CrazyPuppy and FriendlyKitty are still lost without MotoRider. I won't go into details, but both animals did not feel very well last night when I got home. I have a feeling they thought I left them because I wasn't home at my normal time. They are feeling a lot better today and were enjoying my company last night when I got home.

CrazyPuppy has been a lot more protective over me and has been craving some extra attention. I have a feeling that CrazyPuppy thinks that he is a lap dog now. Everytime I sit in the recliner, CrazyPuppy thinks he can sit with me. It is kind of funny to see a 70 pound dog trying sit on my lap. I wish I had a picture to give you a visual. It is kind of hard to take a picture of yourself when no one is home. I am pretty sure FriendlyKitty wouldn't be able to take the picture.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

Yes... it is that time of the year... When all the leaves fall from the trees and we break our backs trying to rake them up before it snows. We all know what it is like to have to go back in the spring and clean up all the leaves you left. This year we haven't had to rake much because it has been so windy that our neighbors get all our leaves. (I think they pay someone to do their yard work, so I don't feel too bad. - Favorite Neighbor I am not talking about you :) because we are your free lawn service. LOL ). I guess I am not really painting a pretty picture of fall for you. You may have guessed that fall is NOT my favorite season. You see my favorite season is spring. During the Fall you don't have anything to look forward too...(unless you like the cold and snow) when the temperate falls to 60 we pull out our winter jackets and gloves. In the spring 60 is a heat wave. Everyone is outside in T-shirts and shorts and of course doing the yard work they left from last fall. One last thing... Fall turns into winter which is fun for about a month and than I am ready for Spring. You see Sping turns into summer and that means warm days and my favorite... thunderstorms.

Okay - enough about my feelings about Fall. A few weeks ago I enjoyed a nice Sunday with my best friend and her in-laws at a pumpkin patch. We enjoyed seeing different farm animals that included the softest rabbit I have ever touched. Not only did we see pumpkins we also went on a hayride through the pumpkin patch. Here is a picture of my best friend (Kristin), her nephew (Marcus), and me.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Friday the 13th

I know that today is not Friday the 13th, but I really need to tell you about what happened right before Friday. MotoRider left last Tuesday for Colorado to go Elk hunting. That leaves CrazyPuppy, FriendlyKitty, and I to hold down the fort. So, Thursday morning I wake up as usual and go into the bathroom. My normal routine does not involve turning on any lights on until I am in the bathroom. After my shower I realized that the touch lamp on MotoRider's nightstand is on. I think... I don't remember turning that on, Cody would have barked if someone was in the room, Thomas was in the bathroom with me.. Um... I don't think anyone was here. I really don't think too much about it until I am getting ready for bed that night. I do my nightly routine and notice that stupid light turned on again. Now, I am thinking... What the heck!! I listen intensly to see if I hear anyone in the house... Nope... No one is here. So, I crawl into bed and go to sleep.

In the morning... I try an experiment. I turned the fan on the dresser (which is not connected to the same outlet, or even near the lamp.) and guess what? The stupid light turns on... Weird. I don't have a huge knowledge of electricity, but all I know is I can turn the light on with the fan.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Book Club or Bust?!?

Some of you may know... I am in a book club. If you are not familiar with this type of club, let me explain. A book club is where a small group of women get together and discuss books. Okay - we also discuss men, children, and anything else that creeps into our conversation. Before I discuss last nights discussion... Wait... What happen's at book club stays at book club... and you thought I would spill our topics of discussion. I think not!!

Okay - the point of my blog today is give a little history on why I would join a book club. It all started 2 years ago in Biwabik, MN. Renee and I were enjoying our yearly women's ski trip to Giant's Ridge. Our church plans this every year and as an ice-breaker we were asked to tell everyone what book we were reading. My book was "Lemony Snicket's - Unfortanate Events", and Renee's book was ".... and the picky eater" (a children's book). (Renee has her own home daycare.) Of course all the other women in the room commented on what book their "book club" was reading. This of course sparked Renee and I's interest. After some small conversation on the way home Renee and I decided to start a book club when we got home.

So, that is how the "Why Not? book club" was born. Today we have 7 active members and 3 retired members. I have to admit. I love being in a book club.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

We're Not Going To "Conia" Tonight!

Our annual bonfire was a success this past weekend. We enjoyed some "home cooked" brats, (okay - they were pre-cooked and in a package) chips, pickles, and some adult beverages. The weather was perfect with the exception of the wind. We weren't able to use our "Tiki" torches. I guess there is always next year. It was so nice to have people over and just enjoy the last nice weekend of the year. (I really am not looking forward to the snowy forecast for the rest of this week.) Our guests enjoyed some campfire, bean bags, and some pit bike racing. MotoRider showed off his pit-bike track in the yard. The good thing is that I didn't have to take him to "conia" - Waconia for short. (Waconia - is a town 10 minutes away where the Emergency Room is located.)

To give you a little background on why I would say "We're not going to "Conia" tonight!" Last April - 20 minutes before our party (actually - it was my birthday party) was going to start, MotoRider decided to show of his wheelie skills in the yard. During his last wheelie attempt MotoRider puts the foot peg right into his calf. After some quick assessments, we decided the ER was where we needed to go. Being the nice girlfriend, I brought him inside and said "Call me when your done, and I will come get you!" Than I returned to the party without MotoRider. About 1 hour and 12 stitches later I went and picked up MotoRider. We returned to the party and enjoyed the rest of the evening recalling the earlier event. (According to MotoRider - all the nurses kept coming up to him and asking if he was the one with the knarley leg wound.)

So I am happy to say that this years party was a lot cheaper, but not as entertaining.