Sunday, October 15, 2006

Friday the 13th

I know that today is not Friday the 13th, but I really need to tell you about what happened right before Friday. MotoRider left last Tuesday for Colorado to go Elk hunting. That leaves CrazyPuppy, FriendlyKitty, and I to hold down the fort. So, Thursday morning I wake up as usual and go into the bathroom. My normal routine does not involve turning on any lights on until I am in the bathroom. After my shower I realized that the touch lamp on MotoRider's nightstand is on. I think... I don't remember turning that on, Cody would have barked if someone was in the room, Thomas was in the bathroom with me.. Um... I don't think anyone was here. I really don't think too much about it until I am getting ready for bed that night. I do my nightly routine and notice that stupid light turned on again. Now, I am thinking... What the heck!! I listen intensly to see if I hear anyone in the house... Nope... No one is here. So, I crawl into bed and go to sleep.

In the morning... I try an experiment. I turned the fan on the dresser (which is not connected to the same outlet, or even near the lamp.) and guess what? The stupid light turns on... Weird. I don't have a huge knowledge of electricity, but all I know is I can turn the light on with the fan.

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