Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Book Club or Bust?!?

Some of you may know... I am in a book club. If you are not familiar with this type of club, let me explain. A book club is where a small group of women get together and discuss books. Okay - we also discuss men, children, and anything else that creeps into our conversation. Before I discuss last nights discussion... Wait... What happen's at book club stays at book club... and you thought I would spill our topics of discussion. I think not!!

Okay - the point of my blog today is give a little history on why I would join a book club. It all started 2 years ago in Biwabik, MN. Renee and I were enjoying our yearly women's ski trip to Giant's Ridge. Our church plans this every year and as an ice-breaker we were asked to tell everyone what book we were reading. My book was "Lemony Snicket's - Unfortanate Events", and Renee's book was ".... and the picky eater" (a children's book). (Renee has her own home daycare.) Of course all the other women in the room commented on what book their "book club" was reading. This of course sparked Renee and I's interest. After some small conversation on the way home Renee and I decided to start a book club when we got home.

So, that is how the "Why Not? book club" was born. Today we have 7 active members and 3 retired members. I have to admit. I love being in a book club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you are writting more! can we get more pictures?