Monday, October 30, 2006

Who Pays?

Have you ever gone on a date with someone you just met or a long time partner? If yes - there is always that undeniable question of Who is going to pay for dinner? Well, I have some advise on how you will never have to ask or wonder this question again. My advise of course comes from personal experience. My advise can be taken from the stories I am about to write about.

It happened last winter when MotoRider and I went to Subway for dinner. Normally we take turns on who will pay and a quick conversation at the cash register determines this. But this time was different. MotoRider knew what he wanted so he placed his order and I was quick to follow with mine. Just as I am about to finish telling the sandwich maker what I want on my sub. MotoRider turns and says... "I have to run to the bathroom. I will be right back." At first I don't care, but than I realize what he has just done. He left right when the decision was suppose to be made on who will pay... So, his absence has confirmed that I will be paying for this meal. When he returns... I ask about his quick disappearance and confirms my suspicions are true. That was his way of letting me pay for dinner.

The reason I am telling you this now is that he did a similar scenario to me just the other night. We were at Jimmy Johns (MotoRider's favorite sub place.) and he ordered first because it was my first time at JJ's. Once I placed my order I look to find MotoRider filling his beverage far enough from the register that we can't make this quick paying decision. (Plus there about 3 people behind me.) So, I had over my credit card.

Now you can try these tricks the next time you don't want to pay for dinner or want to avoid that awkward feeling. I do want to make one side note. MotoRider does pay for me on a regular basis and he did the other night when we went to see a movie. I just thought these were some creative ways to avoid this awkward moment.

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