Monday, October 23, 2006

A Weekend in Mora

MotoRider is home!! Friday I drove to Mora to see MotoRider. We spent the weekend with his family. His niece Hailey is so much fun. I thought I would post a few pictures from our weekend. We also celebrated MotoRiders sister Mandi's (Hailey's mom) birthday. It was a weekend of celebrating.

Here is a picture of MotoRider and Hailey. It is nice to see that Hailey finally likes MotoRider. It has only taken about a year for her to not cry when MotoRider held her.

Here is a picture of MotoRider and Hailey doing some reading. I think Hailey is reading to MotoRider.

Hailey also is very polite because everytime someone sneezes she says "bless you!" Let's just say that everyone had to sneeze.

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