Monday, October 16, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

Yes... it is that time of the year... When all the leaves fall from the trees and we break our backs trying to rake them up before it snows. We all know what it is like to have to go back in the spring and clean up all the leaves you left. This year we haven't had to rake much because it has been so windy that our neighbors get all our leaves. (I think they pay someone to do their yard work, so I don't feel too bad. - Favorite Neighbor I am not talking about you :) because we are your free lawn service. LOL ). I guess I am not really painting a pretty picture of fall for you. You may have guessed that fall is NOT my favorite season. You see my favorite season is spring. During the Fall you don't have anything to look forward too...(unless you like the cold and snow) when the temperate falls to 60 we pull out our winter jackets and gloves. In the spring 60 is a heat wave. Everyone is outside in T-shirts and shorts and of course doing the yard work they left from last fall. One last thing... Fall turns into winter which is fun for about a month and than I am ready for Spring. You see Sping turns into summer and that means warm days and my favorite... thunderstorms.

Okay - enough about my feelings about Fall. A few weeks ago I enjoyed a nice Sunday with my best friend and her in-laws at a pumpkin patch. We enjoyed seeing different farm animals that included the softest rabbit I have ever touched. Not only did we see pumpkins we also went on a hayride through the pumpkin patch. Here is a picture of my best friend (Kristin), her nephew (Marcus), and me.

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